Rapid-Dogging & Rolling System + Lighting Kit Bundle
Rapid-Dogging & Rolling System + Lighting Kit Bundle
If you mill mid-sized sawlogs up to16" in diameter, this patented dogging and rolling system will save you time and hassle. With two units per set you’ll find the sawlog is easy to turn—even by hand! The lighting kit can dramatically improve your operational visibility when starting early or working late. Two large 36 W LED flood lights mounted to your top frame blast light down on your log deck, a medium sized LED focuses light on your blade in the cut, and a fourth LED shines on your depth of cut scale.
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Rapid-Dogging & Rolling System + Lighting Kit Bundle
Rapid-Dogging & Rolling System + Lighting Kit Bundle
If you mill mid-sized sawlogs up to16" in diameter, this patented dogging and rolling system will save you time and hassle. With two units per set you’ll find the sawlog is easy to turn—even by hand! The lighting kit can dramatically improve your operational visibility when starting early or working late. Two large 36 W LED flood lights mounted to your top frame blast light down on your log deck, a medium sized LED focuses light on your blade in the cut, and a fourth LED shines on your depth of cut scale.
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