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  • Líder global em inovação portátil de serraria
  • Líder global em inovação portátil de serraria

Kit de mobilidade (conjunto de 6)

SKU: HD3X-41150


Mova sua serraria de trabalho para trabalho através do seu Woodlot diretamente para o seu local de moagem. Quando você chega lá, nivele de maneira rápida e solidamente o deck de toras com os estabilizadores de suporte ajustáveis. O pacote inclui um eixo único e sólido, molas de folha reversíveis com classificação de 3000 libras, duas rodas galvanizadas de 13 ”de 5” de 5 ”, luzes de corrida e arnês de fiação, acoplador de segurança, 3” (50 mm) de acoplador e 6 macacos de suporte.

Nota: Máximo de uma extensão de cama de 4 pés (nº do item LM34-41130) permitido no modelo equipado com mobilidade.

Adicione um par de tomadas de suporte para apoiar a extensão opcional de 4 pés (nº do item LM34-SJ2)

Compatible with:



Chat with a Norwood specialist.

Standard, Norwood band sawmills are 16-feet long (4.8m) so you can cut up to 13-feet (4m) long depending on the model.

To saw longer, add optional 4-foot (1.2m) log deck extensions. You can saw logs of any length in stationary configuration – some Norwood owners are sawing logs over 40-feet (12.1m) long!If you want to add the trailer system to your Norwood, you can still add bed extensions, but cannot go as long.

With the HD36V2 or HD38, you could add one permanent 4-ft (1.2m) log deck extension and up to two 2-ft (0.6m) detachable extensions to saw logs up to 21-feet (6.4m).

You bet. Maybe you’d be interested in a free telephone consultation with a Norwood sawmilling specialist? Even just a few minutes can be time well spent to explore your wood processing needs with a professional, and to match you with the perfect sawmill configuration for your milling operation. 

If you would like to take us up on this offer, please let us know your telephone number and email address and we will make sure we connect with you.

Rest assured, there is no obligation. This is a service we are happy to provide future sawyers.

Norwood has specialized in engineering and building portable sawmills since 1993. With tens of thousands of Norwoods hard at work in over 100 countries worldwide, they’ve proven that they’re reliable.

If you have more questions please visit our FAQs or contact us at any time.